Source code for skewstudent.skewstudent

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Skewed Student Distribution


The distribution was proposed in [1]_.

The probability density function is given by

.. math::

        ^{-\left(\eta+1\right)/2}, & x<-a/b,\\
        ^{-\left(\eta+1\right)/2}, & x\geq-a/b,

where :math:`2<\eta<\infty`, and :math:`-1<\lambda<1`.
The constants :math:`a`, :math:`b`, and :math:`c` are given by

.. math::

    a=4\lambda c\frac{\eta-2}{\eta-1},\quad b^{2}=1+3\lambda^{2}-a^{2},
        \quad c=\frac{\Gamma\left(\frac{\eta+1}{2}\right)}

A random variable with this density has mean zero and unit variance.
The distribution becomes Student t distribution when :math:`\lambda=0`.


.. [1] Hansen, B. E. (1994). Autoregressive conditional density estimation.
    *International Economic Review*, 35(3), 705–730.

>>> skewt = SkewStudent(eta=3, lam=-.5)
>>> arg = [-.5, 0, .5]

>>> print(skewt.pdf(arg))
[ 0.29791106  0.53007599  0.72613873]

>>> print(skewt.cdf(arg))
[ 0.21056021  0.38664586  0.66350259]

>>> print(skewt.ppf([.1, .5, .9]))
[-0.9786634   0.19359403  0.79257129]

>>> print(skewt.rvs(size=(2, 3)))
[[ 0.02398666 -0.61867166 -1.25345387]
 [-0.68277535 -0.30256514 -0.04516005]] #random


from __future__ import print_function, division

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import seaborn as sns

from scipy.special import gamma
from scipy.stats import t, uniform

__all__ = ['SkewStudent']

__author__ = "Stanislav Khrapov"
__email__ = ""

[docs]class SkewStudent(object): """Skewed Student distribution class. Attributes ---------- eta : float Degrees of freedom. :math:`2 < \eta < \infty` lam : float Skewness. :math:`-1 < \lambda < 1` Methods ------- pdf Probability density function (PDF) cdf Cumulative density function (CDF) ppf Inverse cumulative density function (ICDF) rvs Random variates with mean zero and unit variance """ def __init__(self, eta=10., lam=-.1): """Initialize the class. Parameters ---------- eta : float Degrees of freedom. :math:`2 < \eta < \infty` lam : float Skewness. :math:`-1 < \lambda < 1` """ self.eta = eta self.lam = lam def __const_a(self): """Compute a constant. Returns ------- a : float """ return 4*self.lam*self.__const_c()*(self.eta-2)/(self.eta-1) def __const_b(self): """Compute b constant. Returns ------- b : float """ return (1 + 3*self.lam**2 - self.__const_a()**2)**.5 def __const_c(self): """Compute c constant. Returns ------- c : float """ return gamma((self.eta+1)/2) \ / ((np.pi*(self.eta-2))**.5*gamma(self.eta/2))
[docs] def pdf(self, arg): """Probability density function (PDF). Parameters ---------- arg : array Grid of point to evaluate PDF at Returns ------- array PDF values. Same shape as the input. """ c = self.__const_c() a = self.__const_a() b = self.__const_b() return b*c*(1 + 1/(self.eta-2) \ *((b*arg+a)/(1+np.sign(arg+a/b)*self.lam))**2)**(-(self.eta+1)/2)
def loglikelihood(self, param, arg): """Probability density function (PDF). Parameters ---------- arg : array Grid of point to evaluate PDF at Returns ------- array PDF values. Same shape as the input. """ self.eta, self.lam = param return -np.log(self.pdf(arg)).sum()
[docs] def cdf(self, arg): """Cumulative density function (CDF). Parameters ---------- arg : array Grid of point to evaluate CDF at Returns ------- array CDF values. Same shape as the input. """ a = self.__const_a() b = self.__const_b() y = (b*arg+a)/(1+np.sign(arg+a/b)*self.lam) * (1-2/self.eta)**(-.5) cond = arg < -a/b return cond * (1-self.lam) * t.cdf(y, self.eta) \ + ~cond * (-self.lam + (1+self.lam) * t.cdf(y, self.eta))
def ppf(self, arg): """Inverse cumulative density function (ICDF). Parameters ---------- arg : array Grid of point to evaluate ICDF at. Must belong to (0, 1) Returns ------- array ICDF values. Same shape as the input. """ arg = np.atleast_1d(arg) a = self.__const_a() b = self.__const_b() cond = arg < (1-self.lam)/2 ppf1 = t.ppf(arg / (1-self.lam), self.eta) ppf2 = t.ppf(.5 + (arg - (1-self.lam)/2) / (1+self.lam), self.eta) ppf = -999.99*np.ones_like(arg) ppf = np.nan_to_num(ppf1) * cond \ + np.nan_to_num(ppf2) * np.logical_not(cond) ppf = (ppf * (1+np.sign(arg-(1-self.lam)/2)*self.lam) \ * (1-2/self.eta)**.5 - a)/b if ppf.shape == (1, ): return float(ppf) else: return ppf
[docs] def rvs(self, size=1): """Random variates with mean zero and unit variance. Parameters ---------- size : int or tuple Size of output array Returns ------- array Array of random variates """ return self.ppf(uniform.rvs(size=size))
def plot_pdf(self, arg=np.linspace(-2, 2, 100)): """Plot probability density function. Parameters ---------- arg : array Grid of point to evaluate PDF at """ scale = (self.eta/(self.eta-2))**.5 plt.plot(arg, t.pdf(arg, self.eta, scale=1/scale), label='t distribution') plt.plot(arg, self.pdf(arg), label='skew-t distribution') plt.legend() def plot_cdf(self, arg=np.linspace(-2, 2, 100)): """Plot cumulative density function. Parameters ---------- arg : array Grid of point to evaluate CDF at """ scale = (self.eta/(self.eta-2))**.5 plt.plot(arg, t.cdf(arg, self.eta, scale=1/scale), label='t distribution') plt.plot(arg, self.cdf(arg), label='skew-t distribution') plt.legend() def plot_ppf(self, arg=np.linspace(.01, .99, 100)): """Plot inverse cumulative density function. Parameters ---------- arg : array Grid of point to evaluate ICDF at """ scale = (self.eta/(self.eta-2))**.5 plt.plot(arg, t.ppf(arg, self.eta, scale=1/scale), label='t distribution') plt.plot(arg, self.ppf(arg), label='skew-t distribution') plt.legend() def plot_rvspdf(self, arg=np.linspace(-2, 2, 100), size=1000): """Plot kernel density estimate of a random sample. Parameters ---------- arg : array Grid of point to evaluate ICDF at. Must belong to (0, 1) """ rvs = self.rvs(size=size) xrange = [arg.min(), arg.max()] sns.kdeplot(rvs, clip=xrange, label='kernel') plt.plot(arg, self.pdf(arg), label='true pdf') plt.xlim(xrange) plt.legend()
if __name__ == '__main__': sns.set_context('paper') skewt = SkewStudent(eta=3, lam=-.5) skewt.plot_pdf() skewt.plot_cdf() skewt.plot_ppf() skewt.plot_rvspdf()